In order to register for the OPTO 2024 conference please pay the registration fee and fill in the following form. Confirmation of payment will be required to submit the form.

Conference fee

Early registration (by 25.6.): 180 € or 4 500 CZK

Late registration (after 25.6.): 200 € or 5 000 CZK

Payment information

As a message for the recipient in the bank transfer please enter your full name and if you submitted an abstract enter the abstract number (e.g. John Doe 16).

Account number:
For payments from CZ
Account holder:
Bank address:

2302800854 / 2010

CZ05 2010 0000 0023 0280 0854
Optický spolek Matfyz
Fio banka, a.s.
V celnici 1028/10
11000 Prague

Registration form